I seem to find myself humming the lyrics of the legendary rock group Queen’s old 1980 hit song “Another One Bites the Dust” more-and-more lately because I’m continuing to see more-and-more “Good” people saying goodbye to social media. If you’re one of those “Good” people who’re considering the same please lend me your eyes and ears for just one meaningful moment.
Before pulling the plug I implore you to consider the not-so-hidden consequences of your actions. If all the so-called “Good” people choose to vacate the area where most people frequent and hang-out online and in life, then the not-so-good people will have a field day distributing drama, venting violence and narrating negativity unopposed.
Yes my friends, evil and negativity can ONLY thrive and survive in the absence of those who would stick around and do “Good”.
Simply put: Turning a blind eye to social media’s and online communities of congregation gives evil and negativity an unchallenged and unopposed platform to grow and expand across our great land attracting more-and-more fans as fast as it can.
So I implore you, whoever “You” are to STAY PUT!!! Take your place in this space and fight the “Good” fight spreading “Good News” and “Positive Press” as you make your positive presence known and felt. Our hurting humanity needs us now more than ever before because information is at our fingertips and all around us and it’s NOT all “Good”.
So, “Another one bites the dust”? I think NOT. NOT YOU!!! STAY PUT and let’s all do what it takes to Make it GREAT!!!
Oh, and it’s always Ok to share if you dare…
My site: MrMakeItGreat.com
My blog: MrBreadCrumb.com
My store: TheInspirationStore.com
My book: MakeItGreatNOW.com