Over the years life experiences have taught me that one of the most overrated positions to be in for any extended length of time is a position of comfort. Yes my friends I’ve uncovered and discovered that a life of comfort is void of challenge and change and these two things are the very cornerstone and foundation of growth itself.
So I invite you to consider the following today as it relates to your future growth. The deceptive purr of the cat-of-comfort can be very alluring and if you’re not careful, it can lull you into a position where growth is scarce and stagnation and mediocrity abounds.
So I say to you today that if the thought of taking an action gives you butterflies and makes you uncomfortable in the days ahead, take this as an affirmative sign that you’re headed in the right direction. If true growth is something you’re really seeking in the near future, I invite you to consider making discomfort your newest best friend. You’ll be glad you did. This breadcrumb-food-4-thought can definitely make a huge difference in your tomorrow starting today.
So let’s keep leaning forward and continue in our noble efforts of trying to make this good life, GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com