Would it surprise you if I told you that you’re the Tylenol and Motrin for somebody else’s Aches and Pains in life? Or would you be shocked if I said that your story and testimony of overcoming and becoming someone better today than you were yesterday is fit for the ears of someone who’s in desperate need to hear a resounding voice of hope?

Well, don’t be surprised or shocked because it’s actually true. Our past experiences does in fact qualify us to be some form of relief to others who are having to endure similar situations and circumstances that we’ve gone through.

So, as this is true, I encourage you today NOT to waste your past test but to turn it into your testimony. Leverage your past mess and make it a compelling message. And, take your past breakdown and show others how you made it into a breakthrough.

Yes my friends the world needs us now more than ever before to step-up and step-into our roles and play them to Oscar-caliber for the sake of others. So I say, “BRAVO!” in advance to those who will answer the call to give it their all.

Now let’s go Make it GREAT!



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