You know it just dawned on me this morning that Fear and Adversity are actually the best of BFF’s (Best Friends Forever). I mean think about it, have you ever noticed that it’s very rare that you see one without experiencing the other? Or maybe it’s just me. Hmmm…
Well, I submit to you today my newest personal definition of FEAR. Fear is simply Falsely Expecting A Result. That’s right friends, most people encounter this phenomena when something or someone challenges their ‘normal’ or their comfort zone and the fear is generated by their expectation of something negative happening as a result.
But take heart dear friends and know that the overwhelming majority of the things we fear will happen to us actually never happens at all. So, I invite you to be a Great Leader today and live your life not Falsely Expecting A Result that’s negative but boldly moving forward with conviction in spite of any fear. Expect only positive results as you attempt to make it GREAT!
Not a bad breadcrumb to start your week off with, Eh?
Make it GREAT!!!