One of the most Amazing Gifts this side of heaven is the ability to know when to just Shut Up. But unfortunately few possess it.
That’s right my friends the notion of “having to have the last word” is severely overrated, for he/she who can not control his/her tongue may soon find themselves forfeiting their freedom or peace of mind.
So, if you find yourself with a slight shadow of doubt,
Stop and just Shut Up and let the other person figure it out.
We can tame a dog and tame a cat,
Or even tame a frog and tame a rat.
But the single most toughest thing to hold back is our tongue.
So don’t you be a guilty one.
We can’t afford to let our loose lips sink our ships.
So, keep your boat afloat and know when to close up your throat so you can Make it GREAT! 🙂