In the process of following the Golden Rule by treating other people the way you want to be treated, don’t be surprised if you start to receive some of your own good or bad treatment back at you.

Yes my friends, this timeless rule falls under the undeniable law of reciprocation.  So, if you’re treating people badly with contempt, rudeness, dishonor and disrespect, don’t be surprised when you get the same in return.

But on the other hand, if you’re making a genuine effort to treat people with dignity, compassion, approbation and appreciation, get ready to have your cup running over with the same from those who share the space around you.

So make a point to let others know that you respect them and that they matter.  Look for the good in your neighbor and sincerely compliment it.  Acknowledge that lower-level staff or co-worker and lavish them with recognition and appreciation for what they do.

Think of those things that would bring a welcomed smile to your own face if they were done to you and then make an honest effort to do those same things to others.  These things will no doubt bring reciprocated, positive results back to you.  I call this the “boomerang affect” and it eventually works every time if you give it some time.

This is definitely a breadcrumb that can make a world of difference not only in the lives of others, but also in the life of us too.  So keep leaning forward in the days ahead and be intentional about your application of keeping the Golden Rule, “Golden” and be sure to Make it GREAT!


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