The Rising Sun & The Risen SonEvery morning the rising sun reminds me of ‘The’ risen son.  I’m just saying.  He’s not a bad coach to have in your corner during the fight of your life, because everyday is actually a fight for our life.

Yes my friends, everyday is a fight for territory and ground and the minute we stop fighting for it, more ground and territory is lost.  So we’re either gaining more or losing it, there’s no third direction.

Just a little food-4-thought so eat up.  These little breadcrumbs can really make a difference in the days ahead.  Make it GREAT!!!

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3 Responses to The Rising Sun & The Risen Son
  1. Ann Donkers says:

    May we use your Rising Son image and words in a bible study at my church.
    Your permission would be greatly appreciated to help people come closer to God.

  2. Buddha says:

    I set this as my desktop wallpaper. It is an inspiration every time I turn on my computer. THANKS!

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