Even if you search the world over you will find few things that are a better example of what patience and persistence can do then the age-old seed of the Chinese Bamboo Tree.
Within days of being placed in the ground of fertile soil this small seed goes to work pushing its roots deeper and wider into the earth’s surface setting up the foundation that will eventually support a tree height that dwarfs many others of its kind.
The catch is the results of the work that the seed is doing beneath the earth’s surface will never be seen by its caretaker for several years. After toiling day-in and day-out feeding and watering the seed, many may become discouraged and eventually succumb to their lack of visual confirmation and affirmation of their diligence. But those faithful few who cling to the promise of persistence and perseverance will eventually have their payoff.
Yes my friends, after five long years of maintaining a daily discipline of feeding and watering, the seed of the Chinese Bamboo Tree rewards its steadfast, diligent caretaker with a stunning above ground growth of over 90 feet in just six short weeks. WOW!!! The untrained eye could be easily confused by this enormous amount of growth in such a short period of time, but the diligent caretaker knows better. Hmmm…
I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve uncovered and discovered on my life journey. Making our biggest goals and dreams a reality takes a healthy respect for the process and the power of patience and persistence. I believe that a person would be two kinds of crazy and three kinds of foolish to think that he can sow seeds in good soil in expectation of an abundant harvest over night without work.
Simply put, nothing worthwhile comes without a reasonable cost of patience and persistence over time. So what’s got you in a hurry these days?
Never lose sight of what it truly takes to make anything GREAT, which is working diligently while you wait. Let’s make it GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com