Ever heard the old phrase, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”? Well, I found myself up late again last night doing a little bit of thinking and I think I’ve stumbled onto a new notion that might be worthy of lending an ear for a minute or two.
I remember as a kid living near the infamous Dallas Housing Projects in Texas I used to be a member of the local PAL Program. This program allowed me, my brothers and a few other friends to take care of the horses that the Police Officers used to patrol the area. I remember that when the horses were off-duty we were allowed to feed and clean them and occasionally we were able to take them out to the levy area of the nearby Trinity River and race them.
My horse’s name was Mr. Dean and even though he was the oldest horse in the bunch, he was still pretty fast. I’ll never forget the time that me and Mr. Dean had been out running for a while and suddenly he started to take me off into a direction that I didn’t want to go. I began to yell and yank and kick and spank him, but it eventually became apparent to me that he was on a mission to get what he wanted and nothing I did was going to stop him. Well, minutes later Mr. Dean had carried me out into the middle of the Texas Trinity River to cool off and get a drink with me still on his back. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. LOL
Yes it’s true that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. But, I submit to you that if you do something to make that horse hot and thirsty, you won’t have to worry about making him drink because he’ll not only drink willingly, but he’ll also be splashing and thrashing around in it. LOL 🙂
An interesting parallel here is that as an author and speaker my job is to be that trigger and that voice that creates a thirst in the readers and hearers of my message that makes people want to know more about developing themselves personally so they can do more, be more and see more.
So my hope for you today is that you will develop an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that will help you to be a better “You” in all that you do. And, my prayer is that your hunger and cravings for deeper insight and understanding will be so intense that not even the greatest of distractions and negative actions can keep you from pursuing that which you seek. Just as Mr. Dean knew what he wanted and nothing was going to keep him from it. 🙂
Yes this is indeed a breadcrumb that can lead you to not just making this “Life” thing “good”, but Making it GREAT!