Would it surprise you if I told you that we ONLY get ONE shot at this “life” thing? Well, probably not, but would it surprise you if I told you that most people appear to be living their life as if they’ll have a “Do-over” or another shot to come back and do it again? Hmmm…
Well, the tragic truth is that it’s TRUE. Most of us start out at a young age as wide-eyed, BIG Dreamers and strive to thrive. But studies show that somewhere later-on along the path of our life we say “uncle” to the strain and the pain of the struggle for gain.
As a result, many of us then become content to just try to survive and stay alive at the expense of placing our talents, gifts and potential on the shelf of life as if we can come back and get another shot. BUT, I invite you to consider that this is NOT true.
Yes my friends, we ONLY get one time through this “life” thing so let’s NOT just try to survive and stay alive, let’s strive and thrive as we squeeze the juice out of our talents and gifts as we give others around us a lift because the rising tide raises all ships.
This is indeed an invaluable breadcrumb to NOT just making this ONE & ONLY life “good”, but Making it GREAT!!!
So, let’s choose to Make it GREAT!!!
My book “Bread Crumbs to Making it GREAT” can help you re-kindle that fiery flame that’s long-since been tamed preventing your gain, so get your copy today and get on your way: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com