Would you think I was weird if I told you that I listen to my Christmas music all-year-round because it makes me feel good? Would you think I was crazy if I told you that I mumble a morning mantra daily that includes a happy dance that sets a positive tone for my day?
Would you think I was strange if I told you that I have over 20 different journals and daily I capture every thought, conversation and event that I believe can be beneficial to people that share this beautiful world around me? Well, I know I’m far from normal or average, but it sure makes me feel good to be living a life of defined purpose and positive intention. Can you say the same about your day? Hmmm…
I invite you to consider the following truth that I’ve uncovered and discovered. Many of the great men and women who have walked this earth before us were at one time called weird, crazy or strange or even some other names that wouldn’t make it past the sensors in most public venues. Why were they called these names, well it was simply because of some of the things they said or the actions they took or the fundamentals and philosophies they stood for.
So I say to you today that if you’re on a mission to do something great or significant in this world for the betterment of others, I encourage you to stay the course and embrace the weird, crazy and strange because these names are indeed prerequisites for your eventual gain. Yes my friends this is indeed a path that’s least travelled this side of the universe, but it definitely will lead you to not just making this life good, but making this life GREAT!
My Book: www.MakeItGreatNOW.com
My Blog: www.MrBreadCrumb.com
My Website: www.CedricCrawford.com