If we’re doing daily what we don’t like doing primarily just to make money so that we can continue doing daily that which we don’t like doing, many people might think that our actions might seem a bit foolish. And furthermore, the notion of encouraging our kids to follow in our footsteps and do the same thing may seem even more foolish, but the surprising fact is that many people engage in this activity every day and may not even really know they’re doing it. To that end, the only question that really matters then is, “What are you doing daily and why are you doing it?” Hmmm…
I invite you to consider that it might not be very smart to spend the overwhelming majority of our life financing our existence by doing something we don’t like and then compounding on the problem by encouraging our kids to do the same. This action can not only cause a high level of undue stress in us, it also can put a huge strain on our marriage and relationships. I’ve discovered first-hand that life’s iron-clad guarantee is that if we make an effort to do what we love and what makes us come alive, then we will absolutely love what we do and our life will be filled with much more genuine joy, masterful meaning and impactful purpose.
So, I encourage you today to be the exception and follow your passion and do what you love and was designed to do by your Creator and commit to become your best at it in service to others. Do this and you’ll soon find that your needs and wants will start to be provided for in a big way. I’m proof positive that this system works if you stick with it long enough.